Roz gave the animals a whole new perspective on life. She taught them things they would never have known, like how to build a fire. She helped them live longer in the winter and become friends with the other animals. All because of roz, the animals have become better animals.

When you close the door all of the food jumps up and has a dance party with the egglers as the D.j’s. That’s why your eggs are sometimes cracked. Now you may be wondering how does food dance. Well you see it has arms and legs inside their bodies that they just pop out to dance. They love to listen to the ABC’s and line up in alphabetical order. When the food gets tired they go inside the drawers and curl up. That’s what food does in your refrigerator when you close the door.

I have discovered a talking puppy. His name is Jeremy. The first thing we did was, that I took him to the dog park. Jeremy had fun playing tag with all of the other dogs. After the park we went home and played hide and go seek. Jeremy was hard to find. Then it was time for lunch. Jeremy let me try his biscuit, it was disgusting. After lunch we spent the day doing artwork. My artwork was better. Then we had dinner. I made sure to stay away from Jeremy’s food. Then it was time to say “good bye”. I had a great day with Jeremy and hope to do it again soon. Just no dog biscuits.

I am reading a book called Turned away for lit circles. Here is my lit circles job.
My role this week was connector.
Text to self: The character Morice reminds me of my dad because my dad’s name is Morice. He also wouldn’t hurt anyone just like Morice.
Text to world: During the war everyone was scared and worried just like how people are scared right now because of the COVID-19.
Text to text: The book turned away reminds me of the book good night stories for rebel girls because they both talk about the war.

My role for lit circles this week is: ILLUSTRATOR.

This scene can be found on page 133.
I chose this scene because i really enjoyed Sarah’s letter and decided it represented that particular letter

Hi and welcome to my blog. I play a sport called ringette. In this post i will be telling you the rules. So here we go. Ringette is played on ice. In ringette you have a stick and a ring, you can’t go in the goal crease and you have to pass over the blue lines. Those are just some of the rules. Here are some more. If you are a forward you can go in the neutral and offensive zones. If you are a defence player you just can’t go in the other teams zone. If you are a center you can go everywhere. You can get penalties for hooking, tripping, interference, highsticking or too many players on the ice. When you are older there is a shot clock, where you have to get a shot before the time runs out or it will turn over to the other team. Now you might have a better idea of what ringette is.
Thanks for reading.

The best book i read this year was Meg,Jo,Beth and Amy.It’s a graphic novel based on little women. The greatest lesson I learned was to work slowly[don’t rush].My favourite memory is my 2019 birthday party.
I want to get better at spelling. something I want to learn is how to type on the computer faster.

During the holiday season my family has a few traditions that we do. Before Christmas I count down the days till Christmas with an advent calendar and eat lots of sweets. my Christmas goes over two days. on Christmas eve I open most of my presents and open the rest on Christmas. Between December 25th and january1st I go tobogganing, skating and see the festival of lights. I end the holiday season with a big new years celebration. those are my holiday traditions